Title: Garbage Collectors: Stories for Young Engineers
Author: Mike Grabois
Published: 2017
Garbage Collectors: Stories for Young Engineers is
a middle grades book about kids who use their own ingenuity to solve their
problems and improve the world around them.
When I first saw the description for Garbage Collectors, I wanted to get a
copy as soon as possible! Garbage
Collectors is a collection of short stories about heroes and heroines who
do not have anything extraordinary or magical happen to them, but they
positively change the world around them by using their intellect. As the author points out, the process of
solving problems is not just a mental exercise.
It involves all of them. While solving problems, the characters
experience “anger, happiness, sadness, ecstasy, amazement and more.”
The collection features six short stories that
feature Jack and his cousins Alex and Ria.
The trio face realistic problems that they attempt to solve such as
pollution, the impact of natural disasters, and even a creating a new science
attraction for an amusement park. Throughout all the stories, the characters
are positive role models who seek feedback on their ideas and willingly
incorporate and build off of the input of their peers and mentors. Some of the
characters struggle with the courage to voice their ideas for solutions. And
the intelligent Jack sometimes thinks his friends are just using him for their
own benefit. But ultimately teamwork wins out. They rely on one another for
emotional and intellectual support to successfully impact their world.
I heartily recommend Garbage Collectors to any middle grades student for two
reasons. First, when I was a student, I
didn’t have the faintest idea what an engineer did. Garbage Collectors provides clear examples of how science class can
translate into action in the real word outside the classroom. Second, even if the reader has little
interest in engineering, the team dynamics in each story are surprisingly
realistic and reflect issues that all types of professional and academic teams can
relate to.
My one disappointment is that some character and
setting descriptions Garbage Collectors tell
rather than show. Sometimes characters and settings are explained in general
terms, or the details can get confusing. Some of the stories are stronger than
others when it comes to character and setting descriptions, but overall a
worthwhile read I highly recommend to middle grade students and teachers.
Rating: 4/5 Stars
Garbage Collectors:
Stories for Young Engineers is available to buy as a paperback from Amazon UK or Amazon.com.
Rating: 4/5 Stars
Garbage Collectors:
Stories for Young Engineers is available to buy as a paperback from Amazon UK or Amazon.com.
for reading! This is another #RBRT review. Thanks to Mike Grabois for
sending me a free paperback copy to read. If you enjoyed this review,
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